Writing Exercise – First!

This is a new feature, copied after another author, Linda Scarlett, who is going to be posting scary moments every Friday on her blog at http://www.lindascarlett.blogspot.com/

Here I will give you a scene, or an intro, and you continue the story on.  It doesn’t need to be anything super long or fancy, this is just an opportunity for us writers to get our brain some exercise!  This is the first post, but you can use the “Writing Exercise” tag at the end of this post to find more of these!

Today’s scene:

You wake up one morning in a strange bed.  Besides the obvious (you aren’t in your own bed), something seems off.  You reach for your iPhone to check the time, but it’s not there.  You go to the closet to get dressed but it’s just full of costumes.  Extremely vintage looking clothing, Founding Fathers stuff.  There’s nothing else so you go ahead and put on one of the costumes.  It’s not comfortable but at least you aren’t naked.

When you go outside, it quickly dawns on you that you aren’t in a costume.  You’ve somehow been transported back to colonial America!  You have no money and it you don’t know the city.  What do you do?

2 thoughts on “Writing Exercise – First!

  1. I make mental pictures of where I am, so I can find my way back.
    I stand there for a moment to see what I hear, what I see. I don’t understand the language. I don’t even know what it is. A few words sound familiar, but they are spoken to fast to catch.
    It smells… It smells bad.
    The people that walk by smell. There is horse feces all over. It splashes on people, they don’t notice. They don’t care.
    I feel sick. I want to wake up.

    Linda Scarlett

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