Movie Prediction: Thor Ragnarok

Thor Ragnarok

It’s time to do another movie prediction!  I’m still going to cling to my success from my Rogue One prediction ( and hopefully I can get back on track!

The next big release I want to make a prediction for is Thor: Ragnarok.  I really have two predictions and a wish.  Let’s start with the trailer, then get to my predictions.

Here’s my first prediction: I think we’ll see the Guardians of the Galaxy in this movie.  Why do I think this?  There are two reasons.  Well, we know from the trailer that Thor is trapped on a planet battling in an arena.  He’s trapped in space and needs a rescue.  The Guardians would be a perfect fit, plus they need to get tied into the MCU before Infinity War.  

And I think there were a couple of hints in Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2.  First, we see the teams jumping through portals to cover large distances in their space travel.  A bunch of these portals open up on the planet where Thor ends up which is presumably how he ends up there.  Second, during the closing credits of GOTG Vol 2 we see Jeff Goldblum’s Grandmaster character dancing.  Maybe it was just for fun, or maybe it was a hint!

My next prediction is that Thor will find a new or different hammer.  We see Mjolnir destroyed by Hela during the trailer, but there’s really no way Thor can be without his hammer, especially in the movies.  In the recent Unworthy Thor comics, Thor has lost his hammer and is seeking another.  There is another hammer that needs a worthy Thor that has torn through dimensions to come to ours.  So there are other options, one of which ties into my (wishful) prediction….

Beta Ray Bill

That’s right, Beta Ray Bill.  The Korbinite also makes an appearance in Unworthy Thor, even offering his hammer Stormbreaker to Thor.  In the comic Thor declines, but it would be an interesting way for the movie to go.  Even if he doesn’t play an ongoing role in the MCU, it would be cool to see this character show up.

There you go!  My three (well, let’s say two and a half) predictions for Thor Ragnarok!  Do you have any predictions, guesses or wishes for this movie?  Leave them in the comments below!

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