iTunes Gift Card Giveaway

Hi everybody!

I was digging through my emails and it turns out I have a code for $5 on iTunes.  I rarely buy anything on iTunes (I’m an Amazon MP3 guy myself) so I figured I would pass it on to someone else out there in the world!  Maybe that someone is you!

Before I get to how to enter, let me take a moment and plug my stories/writings.  I’ve got a few ebooks available for your Kindle over at Amazon, all of them only a dollar.  Go check them out, please and thank you!

OK, back around to why you’re really here.  You want that gift card.  It’s simple to enter.  Just leave a comment below with your favorite book you read in 2015.  Not a book reader?  Leave a comment with your favorite movie that you saw in 2015 instead!  The contest is open until Friday January 22, 2016.  I will randomly pick an entrant who left a comment to be the winner.

Make sure to include your email in the form, that is how I will contact the winner (your email will be not post publicly and I won’t use it for anything except to contact the winner).  The prize is a code, so I will be able to just email it to you.

Top 6 “Best of 2015” Lists of 2015

When I first thought of doing this post, I intended it to be a joke.  Everyone has their “Top 10 List of Things of 2015” so I meant for it to be a joke.  Over the last few days I’ve seen some pretty good lists out there.  Obviously all of them are someone’s opinion just like this one is.  So take it for what it’s worth and enjoy!

In no particular order, I present:

7 Things You Learn Becoming a First Time Dad

Earlier this year I became a dad for the first time.  As we near the end of the year and the end of 7 months with the little one, I wanted to share a few thoughts I had.

  1. The life changes are not what you expect
    • There are the obvious things that you expect to change: sleep patterns will change, going out has to change, etc.  What caught me off guard were the simple changes like needing to run to the store.  Everything starts getting planned around the baby, even the little things.
  2. Yes he poops, but it’s not as bad as everyone made it out to be
    • Before the baby was born, every parent I knew had some horrific baby poop story.  I don’t know what it is about poop that everyone insists on talking about it, but so far I don’t have a horror story.  Sure, it’s stinky and sometimes it ends up on things that it shouldn’t (like my hand) but that’s why we have soap and water.
  3. You’ve got to have a sense of humor
    • Let’s stick with the bodily fluids, as long as we’re already on the topic.  Things will go awry with the baby, that’s just the way it is.  You have to have a sense of humor about everything.  Our little guy was pretty good about not trying to pee on us when we were changing his diaper, but about a week ago he took aim at my face.  I was able to dodge it and block it with my hand but he just kept going and going.  It’s impossible to have a situation like that without laughing!
  4. You get used to the smells pretty fast
    • There are all sorts of smells that go along with a baby.  There are the obvious ones like poo, but you’ll get used to even the stinkiest diaper.  There are definitely times where I’ve gagged a little but ultimately you get over it pretty fast.  But then there are things like diapers and wipes.  Even the clean ones have a distinct smell to them and those just become a part of the baby experience.
  5. You have to learn to live in the moment
    • I’ve spent plenty of time worrying about the future.  Will I be able to teach him good morals and decision-making?  Will he love the same things I do?  How do I keep him from getting hurt?  So much of that is way out in the future.  I’ve found that I have to live in the moment sometimes.  He’s smiling and laughing, I just need to keep that going.
  6. There isn’t really anything you can do to prepare
    • You can read books and blogs and get an idea of some of the things to expect.  But ultimately everything is going to be new.  Each kid is going to be different, and your experience will be different from everyone else.  And really, people have been doing this for thousands of years without the help of books and the internet.  You figure it out as you go.
  7. I wouldn’t trade it for anything
    • I was the youngest in my family and we never lived near any extended family.  Which means I never grew up around babies or little kids, so the idea of having my own was pretty scary and at times something I wasn’t sure I wanted.  As I grew older, my wife helped convince me that kids aren’t totally scary.  She was right.  Although there are scary moments, I would never trade this.  I would never be the kind to advocate that everyone has to have kids, it gives your life meaning, etc.  But for me, I couldn’t be happier.

What about you?  Are there any other first-timers with thoughts on how life changes?

My Wife’s Obama joke

So my wife made a pretty good Obama joke this morning.  We were up early, the baby had been eating and she was holding him and rocking him to sleep.  The baby was swaddled, so I walked in and said “He’s my little burrito!”

Somehow that turned in to me pointing out that burritos are wrapped up, and tacos are totally open, so what do you call it when the tortilla is rolled on one end but open on the other?

Her response was “I dunno.  A burr-aco?  ….Bama.”  🙂

I only felt bad that I couldn’t laugh more because the baby had just fallen asleep.

My Woot! Bag of Crap

I recently managed to snag another Bag of Crap from Woot! and it arrived today!  My unboxing video didn’t come out great, so here are a couple of pictures to share what arrived.


Not a bad haul.  Some noise-isolating headphones, a bath fizzy ball, a growing penguin, a snowman mug, a cube monkey figure and a literal mystery bag.  And of course what BOC would be complete with a literal BOC, my Brush of Crap!

Brush of CrapAhh, good times.  I always love it when I’m able to snag a bag!

To see my previous Bag of Crap, from Christmas 2013, go here:

Raising money for the animals

This month, I’ve decided to donate my earnings from book sales* to local animal charities.  For the month of July, for all sales of “Life of a Cat” I will donate $1 toward local charities.  There is no limit to how much I will do, just as much as sales will allow.

Life of a Cat: Lessons That Every Feline Needs to Learn

To buy my book on Amazon, click here: “Life of a Cat

I will also donate earnings from borrows of my book.  If you are a Kindle Unlimited member, or an Amazon Prime member with a Kindle, you can search for Jaime Horio on your Kindle, and borrow the book!

What charities will I be donating to?  I will donate to a local animal adoption center, and a low-cost spay and neuter clinic.

Clovis Animal Services – Animal intake and adoption.  Check them out at

HOPE Animal Foundation – Providing low-cost spay and neuter clinics.  Check them out at

This will run throughout the month of July.  Donation will be made around October 2015, once the return period has passed and Amazon has paid out royalties.

*I will donate $1 toward local animal charities for each copy of “Life of a Cat” sold or borrowed during July 2015, minus any returns.

The jerseys of Team Fugly over the years

This Wednesday is the last night of the bowling season, and with our baby coming it looks like this particular chapter for Team Fugly is coming to a close.  Let’s take a look back at the shirts over the years.

I don’t have the original “Don’t Neglect the Balls” shirt, but you can still find it at tshirt hell.

Our second tshirt hell choice:

fugly excellenceNext we started designing our own shirts (well, Andrew did):
fugly sumo front fugly sumo backOne of my favorites, and actual jersey design:
fugly jerseyLast year’s shirts, incorporating our motto of “The Best of the Worst”
fugly best front fugly best backAnd finally this year’s shirts.   One of Andre’s friends designed this for us:
fugly rock

The baby is nearly here!

It has been close to 3 months since I posted anything on here, so it seems like a good time to put a baby update!

My wife is about 6 months along now, and finally starting to truly show.  You still can’t tell she’s pregnant if she’s wearing a loose sweatshirt.  So of course every other woman in the world loves her for that.  🙂

We do know that we’ve got a boy coming.  No names yet.  We’ve talked about a few but we don’t have anything set in stone.

We’re still not sure how the cats are going to handle things.  Worst case, they spend a lot of time under the bed!  We’ve had some friends over with their daughter (she was about 8 months at the time).  The cats seemed semi-interested and not too freaked out.  Of course she wasn’t being too fussy, so who knows.

Lots of appointments lately.  Ultrasounds, fetal echo, normal doctor appointments.  So far everything is good.  The last ultrasound put us exactly on pace for our expected due date of June 26.

The baby’s room is painted.  Just need to start filling it with furniture.  That has been the hard part so far.  I’m not sure if we’re being overly picky, but we aren’t really finding what we like.  Part of that is finding a dresser tall enough for us (with the number of diapers we will need to change I don’t want to be bending over too much).

Still lots to do, but I think we’re coming along pretty well.  More to come!

Woot Mystery Cat Toy Box

A few weeks ago, I bought a “Mystery Cat Toy Box” from Woot (  I love that Woot has been doing these themed mystery boxes, not quite a Bag of Crap, but there’s still some surprise to it.  Anyway, here is what I got in my box!

I opened the box and got….a box!

A box!

A box!

OK, I did get some actual stuff!  Inside the box that was inside a box:

All kinds of swag!

All kinds of swag!

We ended up with a laser pointer shaped like a dog, a catnip toy (easily their favorite), some plastic dishes, a collar and some stuff you put on cats nails after clipping them.  Unfortunately the dishes are too small for the appetites of our cats, so they made it to the local animal shelter.

Obviously at least one of the cats had to come explore.  Sweeney saw new stuff and had to check it out.

Checking out the goods

Checking out the goods

Sweeney checking out the swag

Sweeney checking out the swag

And of course with all the new stuff, Sweeney ended up in the box.  :-/

The best toy of all

The best toy of all

Adventures in flying

Last night was a weird night flying back home.  We boarded the plane and then two women left.  They seemed to be pleasant enough about it, but as I listened in on the flight attendants I gathered that these ladies were pretty intoxicated and were asked to leave the plane.  We ended up a little delayed while their checked baggage was pulled out.  Not too big of a deal, it was already a late flight and we only lost about 10 minutes.

Where it could have been disastrous is that I later found out the airport we were arriving at was shut down shortly after we arrived due to fog.  Apparently being able to see the runway and your approach path is a big deal or something.  Fortunately we landed safely, but we came pretty close to being diverted to another airport, which I gladly would have blamed on these total strangers, just because.